Meeting with Chris Law MP (Dundee Central)

On Friday we were delighted to welcome Chris Law MP (Dundee Central).We spent time discussing how we can strengthen our communities by working together whether that is through the provision of temporary accommodation and housing support, FareShare Tayside & Fife or the provision of furniture
We had a detailed chat around the charity's work and Chris spent some time touring our FareShare Tayside & Fife and Transform Furniture warehouses, giving him the opportunity to meet our staff and volunteers.We talked about the increasing food volumes and how we're looking to grow these further, as well as business opportunities related to the development of reusable furniture. We also discussed our innovative housing first programme and how we're learning from colleagues across Europe to develop opportunities for individuals who are homeless or threatened with homelessness.
We also discussed the challenges facing the third sector, in particular the increase in employer National Insurance Contributions, and were interested to hear about the cross-party work being done in Westminster to mitigate the impact.